Welcome to Transition Plus
Latest News
Picture day at Transition Plus is on Monday, November 4th
On October 15th, from 5:00 - 7:00, our Tplus community will come together to share a meal and celebrate our diverse backgrounds! Please bring food to share that represents your family's heritage.
Transition Plus is hosting conferences for caregivers on October 15th & 16th. Sign up on www.MyConferenceTime.com/Tplus or reach out to your teacher to schedule a conference.
Please take a look at our October Newsletter to see what is coming up at T-Plus! We have had a strong start to the school year getting to know all of our new students. Many of our students have started worksites, gotten hired in competitive integrated employment, and connecting with our community partners. Thank you for your support in guiding students towards their goals.
Please review our Welcome Back Newsletter for important back to school information.
Please take a look at our October Newsletter to see what is coming up at T-Plus! We have had a strong start to the school year getting to know all of our new students. Many of our students have started worksites, gotten hired in competitive integrated employment, and connecting with our community partners. Thank you for your support in guiding students towards their goals.